Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Organize files using personalized tags

Thank you for reading this blog post on how to better organize your file library on LetoFiles.

If you are new to LetoFiles, please visit my previous posts on

Although LetoFiles helps tracking all of the backup files in your file library, you need to be able to group files together using categories.  Just like how public libraries categorize books by their genres, such as Comedy, Fiction, and Drama.

You can categorize your files like what the libraries do to their books, using tags.

With LetoFiles, you can create your own library categories using Tags and use them to label / tag your disks (Individual file tagging is under development and will be available in the near future).  By doing so, you effectively organize your disks / files under your personalized genres.

With your disks tagged, you will be able to
  • Search files using the combination of keywords and tags.
  • Browse files labelled with the same Tag Group (Multiple tags used together).
  • Browse files labelled with individual tag.

Personalized tags can be created using Manage Tags Page, as shown below:

Once your tags have been created, they can be easily used on your disks as shown below:

After your disks have been categorized, new ways to explore your file library are available:
  • Incorporate tags into your file searching.

  • Browse files using the Tag Group.

The tag group is composed of two tags:  Livingroom and Vacation.

The disk labeled with Livingroom and Vacations tags.

  • Browse file using individual tag.

All of the tags you have created.
The disk labelled with the tag, Livingroom.
Tagging is an excellent way to keep your file library well organized, there are no limitations on the number of tags you can create or use on a disk, your files can be categorized in any way to meet your needs.

Thank you for reading this blog post and please leave comments below and let us know what we can do to help you better organizing your files.


Monday, September 5, 2016

Search files using keywords or partial file name

Thank you reading my previous blog on Howto Organize Backup Disks / Files? and being interested in learning more about LetoFiles.

It is a great feeling to share the website with you and knowing it might help you de-cluttering your file library.

I assume you already have created an account with LetoFiles, if not, a new account can be created here, or to test drive it using the Guest Account.

Let’s log into LetoFiles and take a look how you can perform file searches.

First, log into the website and the main page welcomes you with the summary information of your file library. 

On the top of the screen, click on the search button and enter the keyword or partial file name to start searching for your files (Please use % for your wildcard searches).

In addition to the normal keywords / partial file name search, you can further narrow down your search result by applying filter(s).

In the screenshot below, we see the files with the word “Cuba” in it.  The result contains my Cuba vacation photos and videos.

Now you have just learnt how to quickly search for files in your library, you will never lose track of your backup files ever again.

It is always a good thing to let the computer do the heavy lifting and free ourselves up for things that matters to us the most.

Thank you very much for reading this blog post and have fun walking down the memory lane with LetoFiles.
